





发表者:王新军 人已读

Biliopancreatic Diversion Has Lasting Benefits in Diabetes


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Feb 10 - In morbidly obese patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) significantly reduces renal and cardiovascular complications over 10 years, according to new research.


A recent meta-analysis found that type 2 diabetes resolves in the majority of patients after bariatric surgery, with BPD and duodenal switch providing the greatest effect.


But there are not a lot of data on the long term benefit, said Dr. Geltrude Mingrone, from Catholic University in Rome, Italy and colleagues. In the January 31 online issue of Diabetes Care, they report on 50 obese patients (body mass index >35) with newly diagnosed diabetes who were followed for 10 years. All were treated at the Day Hospital of Metabolic Diseases in Rome with BPD or conventional medical therapy (i.e., metformin alone or with sulfonylurea or insulin).

但对于是否可长期受益数据仍然不多,罗马Catholic University的Geltrude Mingrone博士及其同事说。在1月31日糖尿病诊疗杂志在线发表的报告中,他们报告了50例新诊断的肥胖糖尿病患者(体重指数>35)随访10年的结果。所有患者在罗马Day Hospital of Metabolic Diseases接受BPD或常规药物治疗(即单独应用二甲双胍或与磺酰脲及胰岛素联合应用)。

Patients who opted for BPD had less micro- and macrovascular complications at 10 years than those treated with conventional medical therapy, they found.


After one year, all BPD patients were in remission from type 2 diabetes, compared with 45% in the control group (P < 0.001). None of the surgery patients had diabetes again during the remainder of follow-up. At 10 years, surgical patients had lost 34.6% of their initial weight, compared with a weight loss of 0.38% in the control group.


The relative percentage variation in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) over 10 years was a main outcome measure. The result was significantly different between the groups (P < 0.001), with an increase of 13.6% with surgery vs a decrease of 45.7% without.


At diagnosis of diabetes, rates of microalbuminuria were 14.3% in the control group and 31.8% in the BPD group. After two years, the rate had climbed to 28.6% in the control group and fallen to 9.1% in the BPD group. By 10 years, all BPD subjects recovered from microalbuminuria, whereas in the control group the prevalence of microalbuminuria continued to rise.

在糖尿病诊断时,微量白蛋白尿在对照组为14.3%,在BPD组为31.8%。两年后,这一比率在对照组已攀升至28.6%,而BPD组下降到9.1%。 10年后,所有BPD组的患者蛋白尿均已恢复,而对照组的微量白蛋白尿患病率持续上升。

Four patients, all in the control group, had four major events (three myocardial infarctions and a stroke).

The absence of myocardial infarction and stroke and the reduction in cardiovascular risk in the surgery group suggests that the operations "had a strong impact on abating cardiovascular disease," the investigators say.


And indeed, the estimated probability of coronary heart disease at 10 years was 0.22 in the control group versus 0.05 in the group (P < 0.001).

事实上,在第10年估计对照组冠心病的危险性是0.22,BPD 组为0.05(P<0.001)。

"Our study is the first report in the literature showing the efficacy of bariatric surgery in reducing (or better, in avoiding) the micro- and macro-vascular complications of diabetes," Dr. Mingrone told Reuters Health. "Even though the patients are well controlled pharmacologically in relation to their glycemia, as it can be shown by a glycated hemoglobin lower than 6.5%, diabetes complications are not prevented but only reduced."

“我们的研究首次表明了减肥手术在较少(或避免)糖尿病微血管和大血管并发症的作用” Mingrone博士告诉路透社记者。 “即使病人用药物控制血糖良好,即糖化血红蛋白低于6.5%,糖尿病并发症仍无法避免,只能减少。”

"Therefore, our data are particularly relevant because long-term complications of diabetes develop gradually and can eventually be disabling or even life-threatening," Dr. Mingrone noted.


Early complications after BPD included one pulmonary infection (4.5%) and one wound infection (4.5%); late complications included three incisional hernias (13.6%) and two peptic ulcers (9.1%).


The authors admit to some weaknesses of the study: a large dropout rate, lack of randomization, and a large average BMI (roughly 50). "As a result of these factors, the population studied does not represent the general population of patients with diabetes," they note.

作者承认本研究存在一些缺点:脱落率较高,缺乏随机化平均BMI较高(约50)。 “由于这些因素,这项研究人群并不能代表糖尿病患者的总人群”他们强调。

Dr. Mingrone noted that BPD is "scarcely performed in the United States, an equivalent operation might be the duodenal switch. In Europe subjects with BMI > 35 kg/m2 and type 2 diabetes are candidates."

Mingrone博士指出BPD“很少在美国进行,相似的手术或许是十二指肠吻合术。在欧洲,BMI>35 kg/m2的2型糖尿病患者常采用手术治疗。“

Diabetes Care. Posted online January 31, 2011.


